Think about what you want from your next job. Do you want a permanent or temporary role? Do you want to work part-time or full-time, or as a contractor or freelancer?
Our courses develop core hard and soft skills, communication, technical and knowledge worker skills, improving personal effectiveness and maximizing team performance. You are equipped to succeed and not fail at any educational or career pursuit.
We offer great career opportunities to every aspect of the communities we serve worldwide. We work with well renowned industry professionals in almost every sector and veritcal locally, regionally, nationally, and internationally for roles in many counties. states. amd all over the world.
Market Development
Our in-house education and career development professionals have an in depth knowledge of the job market to source the right candidates for high performance. Alignment of roles and responsibilities are key in the process.
Our patented and proprietary AI and Machine Learning Software assesses over 84 data points to quantify hard and soft skills. Our expansive database and recommend engines provide guidance and direction on "Up-Skilling" your education and technical skills for exact job and culture alignment.- The platform is easily accessible via any device or web browser from which you wish to engage our technology.
We pride ourselves on being flexible in our pricing. We start with you where you are at, and work with you to provide access to the full breadth and scope of our platform at prices that are affordable and practical.
Unique Education And Career Journey Driven By "UpSkill"
At Smith Gruppe we do everything to simplify educational assessments and career planning for you - seamless engagement tailored to your goals. Elevate your journey effortlessly.
"UpSkill" is more than just a generic assessement. Ic can help you navigate the job market maze and increase your chances of getting hired by 79%. By focusing on your soft skills, which employers often overlook but highly value, you can go from being a beginner intern to a sought-after professional. You'll learn, grow, and stand out at every step throughout your journey. Sign up below to gain access to the platform.
1. Apply for jobs based on fit and match percentage (%).
2. Share your profile, to find out when they're right for you across all employers within our databases.
3. Improve your chances of hiring with our AI and Machine Learning Education, Career Assessment and Development Software.
4. See yourself and your hiring chances.
Empower your students with "UpSkill." Navigate the shifting landscape of job requirements and ensure your graduates aren't just degree holders. but workforce-ready professionals. Recognized and proactively close the sills gap, fostering a reputation of excellence and relevance for your educational institution.
1. Align your students skills and talents to prepare them as good fits for employer opportunities.
2. Engage with students skills and talents and build a high quality talent bench.
3. Lower costs of hiring and increase return on investment for your employers.
4. Guarantee success and give business and industry as well as students capabilities with transparency.
Are you seeking fresh talent? "UpSkill" delivers both interns and professionals, refining their skills and ensuring they fit the job description while elevating it. This results in reduced training periods, improved workplace harmony, and increased retention rates. Align talent to fit your business needs.
1. Engage with talent and grow your talent bench for hiring at every level of your business.
2. Lower costs of hiring and lower operating expenses associated with costly hiring and training cycles.
3. Guarantee success and give applicants and candidates transparency in the hiring process; and validate your brand among students and academia.
Clearly observe your placement rates soar, and your attrition and churn rates drop, all while embracing in the gratitude of satisfied clients and employers. Align talent to fit the exact hiring criterias and needs for all of your subscribed employers.
1. Directly engage with students and grow your talent bench for better hiring and placement practices.
2. Lower costs of hiring, firing and re-hiring by limiting the number of interviews to worthy applicants and candidates.
3. Guarantee success and give business and indusry in your market students capable of immediate capabilities and skillsets.
4. Never miss the hiring objective of any employer, and present the student that perfectly fit the hiring criteria; who also possess the necessary hard and soft skills.
As a Head of a Non-Profit, your vision for a diverse, inclusive futuer is not just a noble aspiration but a tangible goal within reach. Partner with UpSkill by Smith Gruppe to turn weeks of efforts into impactful success. Our AI Driven platform is your ally in making diversity initiatives more than just aspirations.
Key benefits to being on the UpSkill Platform as a non-profit organization:
1. Access to data and insights for better decsions
2. Track collective impact through our dashboards, delivered via Power BI or Tableua
3. Catalyze Change
4. Facilitate Program Funding
5. Covening and communicating results to community stakeholders
6. Build capacity and fill gaps
Public officials seek connection with community stakeholders for economic development to foster collaboration, leverage resources, understand local needs, and ensure inclusive growth, ultimately advancing the prosperity and well-being of their constituents.
Leveraging the UpSkill Platform allows your non-profit to strengthen the connection with your local public officials in the following ways:
1. Serve as the communcations hub for local workforce development networks.
2. Manage and often initiate both community-level networks (e.g. K-12, Career and Technical Education, Community-Based Organizations Such As Goodwill, Workforce Development Boards and others) and leader-level networks (CEOs, Heads Of Colleges and Universities.)
3. Secure funding from city, county, state and federal resources such as WIOA to fulfill specific capacity-building goals indentified by the data we deliver on the platform.
Many of the people in marginalized, underrepresented, and underserved are out of the labor force involuntarily. Actively utilizing the UpSkill Platform will allow your non-profit to help people who want to work overcome the barriers they face, and allow for businesses and communities to expand the pool of readily available workers locally.
Looking at the common barriers more closely, you can help your local community stakeholders overcome the following barrier categories:
1. Employer Bias: This affects marginalized, underrepresented, and underserved citizens that some employers historically perceive as not trustworthy, reliable, or hard working. The assessments that set forth the hard and soft skills, aptitudes and core competencies debunk these attitudes that the formerly incarcerated, older and younger workers (those above and below prime working ages of 25-54), people with disabilities, people with substance abuse histories, immigrants, and single-parents with young children, especially mothers.
2. Skills MisMatch: Many people in the above noted groups remain out of the labor force because they lack the hard and soft skills to enable them to get a job, and don't or can't access the opportunities provided by the Upskill Platform to upgrade their skills, gain certifications, or training to pursue the jobs they desire.
3. Job Quality: Still others stay out of the job markets because the pay for the locally available jobs is too low, or working conditions are poor or inflexible. Access to the "Recommend Engine" on the UpSkill Platform assures skills match commiserate to the level of education, certifications, and training. Moreover, Smith Gruppe partners with many non-profits to provide for internships, job shadowing, and OJT (On The Job Training) to enhance the skills necessary to secure job placement.
Participate in a job application process that values you beyond your resume. UpSkill uniquely aligns your strengths with the ideal job opportunity, ensuring you're always informed about roles and job opporunities that match your skills and career aspirations. Embrace our seamless, personalized path to your dream job.
Heres how it works for you:
1. Register and take your assessments.
2. Apply for jobs based on fit and match percentage (%).
3. We will share your profile with business and industry local to you, to make sure that the job is a good fit for you.
Step 1 - Quiz
We start you with a scenario-based intuitive quiz. The questions create contexts and enviroments where you decide on your priorities by arranging your answers or choosing from multiple answers to assess your skills. Once you are done with your questions, your results are immediately available.
Key Takeaway: Provides a baseline for aptitude assessments, core skills, and soft skills.
Step 2 - Aptitude Assessment
Based on the concept of sense and purpose, your aptitude is assessed across four key vectors, Spirit, Profession, Purpose, and Reward. the results present your placement across the four vectors to provide a cumulative idea of your aptitudes. - Our proprietary model goes well beyond Myers-Briggs and many of the older more dated personality type assessements and assesses for substantive aptitude value that actual "Knowledge Workers" should possess.
Key Takeaway: Discover your top talent with less time, effort and and expenses.
Step 3 - Analyze For Soft Skills
Patented AI-Driven Logic of assessing aptitude and "Soft Skills" allows you to assess for various soft skills including communication, adaptability, leadership, teamwork, and much more. This allows individual users, human resources, and executives alike to see exactly where they need to "Up-Skill" continuing education courses or top-grade your top talent using AI.
Key Takeaway: Skills management for businesses of all sizes (SBE - Small Business Enterprise), Large Business Enterprise, Lower-Middle Market Companies, and Not-For-Profit Organizations)
Step 4 - "UpSkill"
Once appropiate continuing education, professional development, or leadership development courses are identified, you can "Up-Skill" your current capacity and unleash hidden potentials with various OPPP (One-Page Personal Plans) from in-house or Smith Gruppe-provided resources.
Key Takeaway: Allows for recognition of where Strengths and Weaknesses are in your skill-sets, and further allows for you to align those strengths with the perfect career opportunity.
Step 5 - Increase Core Skills
Increase your "Core Skills," effectiveness, and proficiency levels through direct integration with your existing skills database or online profiles to build accelerated digital profiles you can track and share with prospective employers if you are an individual, across business units and organizations if you are a human resource manager; or an executive looking to formalize your C-Suite with the proper levels of leadership and talent.
Smith Gruppe can assist you with the building of your digital profiles, as well as build and maintain your skills databases.
Key Takeaway: Bridge skill-gaps, nurture and develop talent; and reduce attrition and employee churn.
Step 6 - Act/Track
Act upon immediate career growth opportunities and track your path digitially. You are always in control of your own "Destiny" and better prepared to seize upon the best and most fulfilling career paths by having all your information in your hands. ---- A powerful AI-Driven model that delivers unprecedented personal and career awareness!
Key Takeaway: Collate skills of your talent in a digital book.
IIt sounds like a lot of work; whether you are a high school sophomore, junior or senior, in college, or already on a career path, the process can be daunting.
That's where we step in to support you with the automation we offer through AI (Artificial Intelligence) and Machine Learning, tied with classes for badges, certifications, and OJT (On The Job Training) in how to effectively build a career plan. There's no reason why you can't benefit, as many of the users of our platform already have.
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