A Few Words About UpSkill


"At Smith Gruppe, we stand tall, propelled by our unwavering commitment to revolutionize education and career development through cutting-edge AI and Machine Learning technologies. Our platform is not just a tool; it's a beacon of empowerment, illuminating pathways to success for students, schools, districts, and businesses of all sizes.


Every line of code, every algorithm crafted, is dedicated to reshaping lives. Our platform's impact reverberates through the corridors of academia, the boardrooms of industry, and the hearbeats of communities. We are the architects of change, the champions of progress. 


We our "Best In Class" education and career guidance assessments, we don't just match jobs; we ingnite futures. We don't simply recruit talent; we cultivate it. Our processes are not just methodoligies; they are lifelines for marginalized, underserved, and underreprestned communities. 


We are the catalysts of transformation, the guardians of potential. Together, we uplift individuals, schools, institutions, and entire communities, forging a brighter future for all."


Our Mission

At "UpSkill," our mission is to establish ourselves as the foremost Center Of Excellence for education and career guidance. 


We achieve this by fostering collaboration, executing with integrity, and delivering transformative results.


Our Goals
Our Services

Nations Largest  Workforce Data Set


Leverage the nation's largest data set to secure accurate labor force intelligence for workers sourced anywhere across the United States.

  • Price labor and talent anywhere in the country
  • Access real-time labor and market rates
  • Compare and contrast pay scales and bill rates for direct and indirectly sourced workers for your workforce

Optimize Capabilities And Achieve Execution Excellence

IT Managed Services Procurement  And Consultancy


Leverage Smith Gruppe's advisory services which helps you achieve better education, career, and workforce development outcomes through identifying cost savings and clear SOW (Scope Of Work) architectural framework and design. We provide you with:

1. Actionable insights through our data analytics to deliver practical on-budget and on-time SOW (Scope Of Work) projects, through our project management support tools

2. KPI (Key Performance Indicator) and OKR (Objective And Key Results) benchmarking via our propretary datalake and data intelligence IEDCs (Infrastructture Edge Data Centers)

3. Customized and visualized reporting, identification of key education and career development trends, all deliverable bia Power BI in a Microsoft Environment; or directly from our Tableau Servers

Source And Procure Top Talent


Identify unfit, good fit, and perfect fit talent pools of students for internships, professional and cintengent applicants and candidates locally, regionally, nationally, or internationally to engage and align with the culture of your offered work environment.Key benefits are:

1. Optimize recruiting and retention through our job match engines

2. Engage with talent to grow your talent bench, applicant and candidate resource pool

3.Lowe the cost of hiring and increase ROI (Return On Investment)

DaaS (Data As A Service)


UpSkill by Smith Gruppe was designed modularly intentionally to allow our customers to work with us to build their own talent intelligence solutions through direct API access. The extreme value proposition is that it allows for but not limited to the following:

1. Gives you the opportunity to consume the data in way most comfortable and suitable to your organization

2. Real-time access to your data anytime from anywhere

3.Fully integratable with existing ERP, HR, and other tools 

Business Advisory And Consultancy Services


At Smith Gruppe we sit shoulder-to-shoulder with every applicant, administrator, candidate, executive, student, or community stakeholder to provide insights into all aspects of your programming. We provide end-to-end solutions which help you understand the factors that lead to the most successful outcomes in your overall education and hiring initiatives. We do this by:


1. Coaching and advising you through the project milestones to measure if your programs are running efficiently

2. Dashboard all datasets so that you glean operational insights to course-correct when necessary for optimal resutls

3.Work with you in crafting a solide Project Charter and Strategic Plan to align with your organizational goals